Millennials regularly buy mushrooms

21 November 2023

In Europe, the mushroom sector accounts for an annual turnover of over €1.5 billion. Poland and the Netherlands are the largest suppliers. Together, they account for half of the crop. They are closely followed by Spain, which grows a total of 130,700 tonnes of mushrooms a year.

According to data from the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, consumption of mushrooms in Spain has increased in recent years. It sold €272 million in 2022, 2.2% more than in 2021.

White mushrooms account for about 90% of mushroom cultivation in Spain. Other types of mushrooms grown and consumed in Spain include the common oyster mushroom, shiitake and poplar loam mushroom. What they all have in common is that they are a healthy source of nutrients at an affordable price. The price of European mushrooms and other fungi has remained around €3 per kilo in recent years.

Mushrooms are a source of protein, fibre and vitamins, especially vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B12. They also contain minerals such as potassium and selenium, which help maintain cardiovascular, muscle and bone health. To promote these benefits among consumers across Europe, especially young people, GEPC, the European mushroom growers’ group, has launched its EU-cofunded promotional campaign “European Mushrooms and Mushrooms: a treasure ready to be discovered”. The campaign targets millennials and runs in nine countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.

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Excellence in Mushrooms