Privacy Statement

1 Banken Champignons Group
Appendix IX Privacy statement website visitors
BANKEN CHAMPIGNONS GROUP takes privacy seriously. If you would like to know which personal data of yours is being held, you can contact us at any time via
This privacy statement briefly describes how we deal with and protect the personal data of visitors to this website.
Purpose of data processing of visitors to the website
If you fill in a contact [or subscription/ or order] form on the website, or send us an e-mail, the data you send us will be stored for as long as is necessary in order to process your request properly, or fully answer your questions, depending on the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail -mail.
Website statistics analysis
Generic visitor data is tracked on our website. This means that, in particular, your computer’s IP address, the username (if applicable), the time when the site was accessed, and data sent by your browser can be logged and used for the purposes of analysing visitor and click behaviour statistics on our website. This data is also used to optimise our website’s performance. We try to anonymise the data wherever possible and will not disclose it to third parties.
Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to monitor how visitors use the website and how effective our Adwords adverts are on Google’s search results pages. Information obtained in this way is anonymised, i.e. your computer’s address (IP address) is anonymised, before it is stored on Google’s servers in the United States. Read the privacybeleid van Google for more information, and also the specific privacybeleid google analytics.
Google uses this information to monitor how our website is used, to provide us with reports on our website and to offer advertisers information about how effective their ads are. Google can disclose this information to third parties if legally required, or in the event of these third parties processing the information on Google’s behalf. We have no control over this. We have not authorised Google to use disclosed information for any other services they provide.
Privacy Statement 2 Banken Champignons Group
Social media
This site contains buttons for promoting or sharing pages on social networks [Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter]. These buttons are created by code supplied by [Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Twitter] the social networks themselves. Among other things, this code places a cookie (see below).
Please read the privacy statements of van Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and van Twitter (subject to regular modification and change) to see what they do with your personal data that is processed using this code.
We use cookies when offering electronic services. A cookie is a simple, small file that is sent with pages from this website. Your browser saves the cookie on your computer’s hard drive. We use cookies to remember your settings and preferences. You can disable these cookies in your browser. For an explanation of how to do this, see, e.g. toelichting door de Consumentenbond.
Via our website, cookies are placed from the US company Google, as part of their Analytics service. We use this service to monitor and receive reports about how visitors use the website. Google can disclose this information to third parties if legally required, or in the event of third parties processing the information on Google’s behalf. We have no control over this.
Changes to privacy statement
We reserve the right to modify and change this privacy statement. Any modifications and changes will be published on this website.

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